Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ok so I'm not good at that!

Ok so now everyone knows............................ I AM A POOR communicator!
The idea was to write this blog every few days just something simple. Well.... I haven't been too good at that, obviously.
We are starting to gear up for what we hope will be a good year for goats. The does are due in February. The plan is to milk the does and bottle feed the kids. It will let us keep a better eye on how well they are eating and acting. We have always left them with their mothers before so this will be at least interesting. Anyway I will try to keep a better blog detail going.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,
    My sister-in-law raises Oberhaslis for meat and milk, and bottle-feeds their kids. It's a lot of work! Hope your spring goes well.
