Friday, August 26, 2011

Things I have learned.

This summer has been a learning experience. I guess they should all be learning experiences so I won't complain too much. It has been extremely hot as it has in most of the country. The humidity has been brutal ...but that's what you get in this area.

 I have learned that wilting pumpkins don't mean more water but more bugs (arrugh)
 I have learned that it is great to finally have a water supply closer to the melon patch. (we installed a water hydrant there this spring.)
 I have learned (again) that purchased eggs for incubation are VERY iffy. We had basically no luck with this endeavor. (1 survivor)
 I have learned that Guineas can be very friendly if you work at it. Guineas also love cucumbers!
 I have learned that goats bottle raised are indeed more people friendly. They even come when you call them which is useful when they have gotten out of the pen.
 Roosters that strut around all cocky become too cocky and need to be kept penned up for their safety.
 Little kids will actually OFFER to help in the garden and be disappointed when they can't always be there to help.
 AND When you don't have a drought the chances are far less that your pasture will catch on fire due to the electric fence so you will have pasture into the winter.

 By the way we have another guinea sitting on a nest. Of course it is in the middle of the beans but that's OK. We will see if this one goes as well as the earlier hatch.

I will keep you informed of other things I HAVE LEARNED.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Corn and ducks and tomatoes and more.

It's been a very hot summer here but the heat has broken somewhat. In the 80's to low 90's right now so it is more bearable. My husband has been working his tail off in this weather too. It is easy to let the heat take you down, literally!
 We finally got some corn in July and have been able to harvest more for the freezer this past week. The earworms are in full force so we are loosing part of many ears. Also running into smut with this batch. All in all we have had a good crop though. The tomatoes are just starting to produce due to the wet spring. We just couldn't get them in the ground. Will be making salsa this weekend.
 We have watermelon coming in now too. The pumpkins have been great although we are in a major battle with squash bugs as I type! MAJOR invasion! We will not be defeated though.
 Finally have some baby Muscovy ducks. Mail order eggs just don't remain very viable but hopefully the few we got to hatch will supply us next year.
 We do have 15 young guineas running around the place. The are pretty funny because as you go down the hill the run right up to you. Guineas are suppose to be semi domesticated. Hmm these guys are pretty mellow.
Another typical summer too hot and too short.