Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Still here!

I know it may be hard to believe but ......... we are still here! Haven't disappeared or been abducted for long periods of time by aliens.
 We have been pretty busy though. 16 new baby kids this year some look really nice. hatched out geese and chickens too. The garden has been expanded (no surprise there) and the corn has been blown down (no surprise there either). It will recover and we sure needed the rain it has been hot and dry here. Had a number of weeks of beautiful weather and then bang, hot and hotter!
 We have done some improvements this spring too. New door for the chicken pen makes it so much easier to get in and get eggs. New automatic waterers for the dog, kid pen and one pasture now they always have water and cant tip the bucket. We also ran a waterline closer to the garden to keep from having so much hose in the hot sun all summer. Speaking of watering the garden Bob and Noah came up with a great sprinkler system. Using PVC they raised the sprinklers up about 10 feet in the air allowing for broader distribution of water and easier watering of the corn as it gets taller. Really effective solution. I think there are some pics on the website www.possumridgefarms.com check it out.
 If you know anyone that is looking for some nice lamancha goat kids send them our way!